Spine rotation – a fundamental movement pattern to take good care

When it comes to primal movement patterns, rotation of the spine is probably one of the most impactful to many other movements. We need this rotation when walking, when we reach, when we throw, punch and the list goes on. It is also the one that is usually the first ones to disappear, affecting in both directions; up and down. Many low back pains occur because there is not enough freedom of the Thoracic spine (T-spine) to rotate. Many neck pains are partly because of lack of movement from the thoracic spine.  

It also affects any type of scapula-shoulder-arm -movements. Addition to these, anything that has to do with the rib cage affects the breathing patterns as well. So it is safe to say that we need to make sure there are no restrictions in the T-spine. 

There are numerous different kinds of situations where rotation should occur. Hands swinging freely, one hand attached to something or both arms in a fixed position and lower extremities moving. You can be laying on the floor, sitting down or standing. Rotation can be associated with any other spine movement. Flexion, extension, lateral tilt etc. Hardly ever any real life situation is only one type of movement, but in practice we can use so called global movements and local movements. We can isolate the rotation and focus on that, or we can use more versatile movement patterns where rotation is one piece of the buzzle.


Basic movement patterns

Including  rotation, there are 6 different primal movement patterns that should be part of your daily life and weekly practice. Squatting (bilateral and unilateral), hip hinge (usually lifting objects from below the waistline), gaiting (walking and running), pulling(horizontal and vertical) and pushing (at least two different directions). When you start counting different variations, there are an almost endless amount of different movements that a human body possesses. 

Rotation can and should be part of all of the other basic movement patterns and in this article we show you how to improve your spine mobility (aka. Arthro Kinematic Motion) as well as your overall mobility (aka. movement quality). 

10 different ways of implementing rotation to other movements

Bear in mind that these movements are only to demonstrate how you can pretty easily add spine rotation to many common movements that you probably already do. Squatting, lunges, pulling, pushing, on your knees, laying on the floor etc. Check out the full video and give them a try! 

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